A support Totem through and through, the Enslaved Nephilim has average to low stats in every category with the exception of his remarkably low Wk and lack of a Cg range; That ball and chain is a serious impediment to his mobility. Thankfully he comes with a built in solution: Shackled allows him to move a nearby friendly model (or even himself) up to six inches towards an ally. His main attraction is his ability Influence, a low-level version of Perdita's Obey. Although it is not nearly as effective at targeting enemy models due to it's low Ca, Influence provides a key advantage to the Family, allowing them access to another valuable out-of-activation move or action. With the Enslaved Nephilim's involuntary support the Family has another tool to either get Francisco or Papa Loco up the field more rapidly, or allow Santiago or Nino to fire off another shot.
A tragic figure, the Enslaved Nephilim is cursed to aid in the destruction of his own people. Bound not through promises or coercion, he is a slave to his Master's will through the magic chains he wears. His bondage compels him to share his knowledge with his tormentors, calling into question the moral character of the Ortegas that they would engage in such a low practice as slavery.
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